Custom Pulverizing / Surface Mixing
Custom Pulverizing / Surface Mixing
The Pulverizing process, otherwise known as Surface Mixing, grinds up to 12 inches of an asphaltic surface and blends it with the base. This process serves to strengthen the existing base and form a better foundation to build on. Pulverizing / Surface Mixing is an innovative and cost-effective method of reconstructing failed asphalt. West-Can’s fleet of equipment includes a pair of Class Five Roadway Pulverisers. These units channel 600+ horsepower into 8 foot cutter drums which cut up through aggregates and asphalt surfaces to pulverize and mix the materials together. We work directly with contractors, counties, private developers and resource agencies to provide pulverizing, grading, compaction, and surfacing requirements. Please call us to describe your situation and allow us to tailor a solution to your needs.
Alternate Options using Pulverization
Once Pulverization has been completed, certain road bases are candidates for structural upgrading and recycling.
Asphalt addition with Emulsions, or Foamed Asphalt through a second pass with the pulverizer can blend mechanical strength back into the existing material.
Cement addition into base materials having more clay components can add chemical bonds to strengthen the existing materials to carry an increased load using existing materials.
Geo Technical Mix designs by accredited labs can assist in the decision process.
Please visit our Soil Stabilization page to learn more of these techniques.
- Old and damaged asphalt surfaces can be taken back to granular composition
- Eliminates reflective cracking
- Existing road materials can be reused in a new structure
- Sub base material can be exposed for other repair techniques
- Eliminates patching broken up asphalt with cold mix
- This is generally a fast operation, and traffic can be handled through a work zone