Our Services
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MICRO-SURFACING is used for rut filling, longitudinal and transverse crack repair, leveling or scratch course and surfacing in all traffic conditions…
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CHIP SEAL / SEAL COAT are treatments that provide effective pavement maintenance to all structurally sound roadways. The application of a bituminous binder, followed immediately by a cover aggregate, produce a durable, flexible, low cost driving surface…
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SOIL STABILIZATION is the alteration of soils to enhance their physical properties. Soil stabilization is used to improve road strength and the load bearing capacity…
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ROAD BUILDING & CIVIL CONSTRUCTION, engineering and road building services…
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COLD IN PLACE ASPHALT RECYCLING reuses the existing asphalt pavement of a deteriorating roadway to renew it at a total energy savings of 50-60% when compared to conventional construction methods…
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PUG MILL PRODUCED COLD MIX with new asphalt emulsions and cut back mixes provide superior aggregate coating with resilience to thermal cracking, frost heaves and cold joints…
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